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Wyse Easy Setup 現正推出

 I am incredibly excited to announce the Global launch of our brand-new Wyse Easy Setup software for Windows-based Dell Thin Clients. Wyse Easy Setup is a free utility that enables IT Admins to quickly and easily configure, lock-down and deploy their Windows-based Dell Thin Clients (WES7 and WIE10 only). It is available here: https://downloads.dell.com/wyse/WyseEasySetup/1.0/ 

A huge thank you to everybody involved {especially Engineering and all the Sales Engineers that provided customer and personal feedback-you know who you are:)} that made this a possibility. This is also the first Product I’ve launched from scratch as a Product Manager- from Ideate/Incubate stage to Launch-I’m incredibly grateful to Dell and my now, not-so-new manager, Allen Tiffany for trusting me with this role roughly a year ago. I created a 5 minute video that gives an introduction to Wyse Easy Setup and talks about the Features.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IoT_Manish/status/955941775339859969

Product Screenshot with Kiosk in background:
Figure 1:
Screenshot of Kiosk in background
