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Citrix XenDesktop及Provisioning Services最新支援平台一覽表

Download  CTX131239_XD_7.11.pdf



Citrix is committed to ensuring that our products function with the latest VMware, Microsoft, and Citrix Hypervisors.

This matrix indicates supported configurations of XenDesktop and Provisioning Services with various hypervisor solutions. When Yes is listed for a combination, it means Citrix will provide technical support to assist with any issues encountered. Any known issues and requirements for certain combinations are indicated with notes.

Important! Testing of earlier version updates might be limited, as priority is given to major and minor releases that include new features and functional changes. When using earlier releases of these products, Citrix recommends validating product updates for proper functionality and interoperability in a test environment first before updating production environments.

This article will be updated periodically as new information becomes available.

Note: XenApp 6.0 and 6.5 are hypervisor agnostic. If XenApp is deployed through Citrix Provisioning Services, refer to the Provisioning Services product support for the hypervisor.

What has changed from the last release of the matrix?

Added support for vSphere 6 Update 2


Additional Resources

